
Environmental Law

Environmental Law

At McNamara, Ambacher, Wheeler, Hirsig & Gray, LLP, our Appellate Practice is dedicated to providing exceptional legal representation in appellate matters. We understand that appellate litigation requires a unique skill set and specialized knowledge of the appellate process. Our team of experienced appellate attorneys possesses a deep understanding of appellate law and has a proven track record of success in handling appeals across various jurisdictions.

Our Approach

  1. Comprehensive Case Evaluation: We conduct a thorough analysis of the trial record, identifying potential appellate issues and developing a strategic approach to present a compelling argument on behalf of our clients. We carefully examine the trial court’s rulings, legal errors, and other factors that may form the basis of a successful appeal.

  2. Appellate Briefs and Motions: Our skilled appellate attorneys possess exceptional research and writing abilities. They craft persuasive appellate briefs and motions that effectively articulate our clients’ positions, present legal arguments, and address the specific requirements of appellate courts. We prioritize clarity, precision, and meticulous attention to detail in our written submissions.

  3. Oral Advocacy: Our appellate team excels at oral advocacy, understanding the nuances of appellate court proceedings. We present our clients’ cases confidently, persuasively, and with a deep knowledge of the law. Our attorneys are skilled at answering judges’ questions, highlighting key arguments, and responding to opposing counsel’s positions.

  4. Appellate Strategy and Guidance: We work closely with our clients to develop a comprehensive appellate strategy tailored to their specific objectives. We provide clear guidance on the appellate process, potential outcomes, and available options, enabling our clients to make informed decisions at every stage of the appeal.

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